Bridge Mortgage Bankers
Bridge Mortgage Bankers


A Foreign National is any person who is not a U.S. Citizen. This includes the following:


Permanent Resident Alien:

A Foreign National who has lawful residency status in the U.S. on a permanent basis. A permanent resident alien holds a "green card" or temporary evidence of lawful permanent residency.


Non-permanent Resident Alien:

A non-permanent resident alien is a Foreign National who is permitted to reside in the U.S. on a temporary basis and may have been granted authorization to work in the U.S.

Nonresident Alien:
A Foreign National who is not authorized to live or work in the U.S. for any extended period of time. Nonresident aliens periodically visit the U.S. and purchase property for use during those visits.



Borrowers with a work Visa (minimum 12 months issued) will qualify for U.S. Citizen Guidelines, Brentwood Mortgage Services will require Social Security Number and employment.


Borrowers with no work Visa will qualify for Foreign National Guidelines.


Work VISA: All of A, All of E, F 1, All of G, All H (except H4), All of I, All of J, K1, K3, All of L, M1, NATO, All of 0, All of P, All of Q, R1, S5, S6, All of T, All of U, V1.


No Work VISA: All of B, All of C, All of D, F2, H4, K2, K4, M2, 03, P4, Q3, R2, TO, V2


Undocumented Alien: A Foreign National without valid evidence of entry in the U.S. The Borrower and Co-Borrowers may not be undocumented aliens.


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Bridge Mortgage Bankers

998 NE 167th St

Miami, FL 33162


Ph:  305-354-3800

Fax: 305-722-3624


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